Stop paying for your web site visitors. Write an article, submit that article (for free) to the best article directory web sites and see your traffic explode!
Driving more visitors to your web site is just one of the benefits of submitting articles to article directory web sites.
There are other benefits too: Your Google page rank will increase! Your Yahoo and MSN rankings too! ranks web sites based upon web site traffic, so you benefit that way as well.
Distribute articles and establish yourself as an expert. Submit articles to make more sales, to get more web site traffic for free, to increase your website's Google Page Rank & boost your Alexa score.
In my opinion, article publishing is the greatest free traffic generating "secret".
But, I am sure you do not have the time available that it is going to take to submit your articles to twenty, fifty or a hundred article directory web sites.
So, what is the best way to submit your article to as many article directory web sites as possible?
Free article submission? No way. Just SPAM machines that can get you banned from article directories. Cheap article submission services? They lack the professional features that I am looking for. The top-notch ones have almost everything that I am looking for but they are too expensive.
Article submission software is the solution to this problem. Article submission software will store your information, your resource box and article body and visit each of the article directories to log you in and automatically fill in the fields (name, article body, resource box etc) for you. After that, you will need to select the appropriate category for your article and hit the submit article button.
Article writing is not a very easy work but it can become very rewarding. Keep it short, about 400 words. Check your grammar and spelling. Do not copy from other articles. Use a catchy title. Don
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